Benifits of Sponsoring Our Events | | | | |
The Success of photo tour event
is credited largely to our sponsors, who lend their name and financial support to
the photo tour.
The money we raise at each photo tour goes to operating and giving the prizes. We
have 3 levels of sponsorship packages:
500$(First Prize)
300$(Second Prize)
200$(Thirds Prize)
You can select the level of participation that you like. We shall be grateful to
sponsor the same in your name and propose to give your advertisement on our photo
tour website and the local newspaper and all media that we advertise the photo tour
and if you like you can give us your brochures or pamphlet or flyer and we will
pass them to our photo tour participants. Each sponsored that help us at four photo
tours in a year we will be glad to give a Cad$ 200 gift credit for any of our future
tours with Rahtours.
All the benefits derived from the sponsorship programs will be distributed as per
the rules and regulation we have laid down. Thank you in advance for your willingness
to support the efforts of photo tour and make a difference. We're counting on your
support, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Rahtours Photography Tours Website by Xerolog Inc. |